
Author Archives: Bob Doig

Colorado Springs Bankruptcy ABC’s: “D” is for “Disclosures”

Continuing on the theme of the Bankruptcy ABC’s, this post will discuss the letter “D”, as in “Disclosures”. As a Colorado Springs Bankruptcy Attorney, my office is considered to be a “Debt Relief Agency” under the Bankruptcy Code.  As such, I’m required to provide potential clients with two separate disclosures. The first disclosure provides: A brief […]

Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Colorado Springs Just Got a Little Tougher

As of November 1, 2011, it got just a little bit tougher to qualify to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy here in Colorado Springs and throughout the rest of Colorado.  That’s because the median income here in Colorado once again dropped. So why should that make it tougher? Well back in 2005 Congress decided that […]


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